Living Connected: Creation’s Gift of Material Goods

Workshop on Creation’s Gift of Material Goods The Living Connected project presents creation care as a spiritual discipline, formed by using the gifts of creation in just and loving ways....

Living Connected: Creation’s Gift of Material Goods

Workshop on Creation’s Gift of Material Goods The Living Connected project presents creation care as a spiritual discipline, formed by using the gifts of creation in just and loving ways....


Living Connected Workshop on Creation’s Gift of Waste

Waste as a gift may sound strange, but throughout creation, the waste of one creature becomes the life of another in a continuous cycle. The exception is our species, which declares things useless and buries or incinerates them. This Living Connected workshop will: Reflect on the way our systems make it easy to be wasteful;...


White Supremacy & Racism: Facing Reality, Taking Responsibility

A Study Group Co-Sponsored by Briarwood Leadership Center and the Public Witness Team of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod, ELCA American forms of racism shape our life together in ELCA congregations. White supremacy distorts our proclamation of the Gospel, limiting the possibilities of evangelism. Lay and rostered congregational leaders interested in facing these realities are...


Living Connected Workshop on Creation’s Gift of Energy

Since human beings first captured fire, energy has been a gift we’ve harnessed to work for us. This Living Connected workshop looks past the one-dimensional argument of oil and gas versus wind and solar to discuss our complex relationship with energy. In the workshop, you’ll: Reflect on our use of energy and the consequences of...

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is like CPR training, in that the more people learn and practice these skills, the faster individuals struggling with thoughts of suicide can be supported and get appropriate help. QPR is a nationally used, evidenced based training that assists people in learning how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and...