Public Witness Team meeting

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

Public Witness Team meeting

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

2nd Saturday of every month

Celebration of the Life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

St. John's Lutheran Church - Dallas 2939 Sunnyvale St, Dallas, TX, United States

St. John's, Dallas, and the Public Witness for Peace and Justice Team Celebrates the Life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   Rev. Dr. Willard McKiver, Keynote Speaker Rev. Doris Dupree Harris, Presiding   12:30 - 1:45 pm Soul Food Pot Luck 1:30 – 1:50 pm Hymns and Praise 2:00 pm Commemoration Program  ...

Public Witness Team meeting

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

2nd Saturday of every month Anyone is welcome to join us! If you're unable to join in person, you can now join us via Zoom: One tap mobile:+16699006833,,2143847705# US+14086380968,,2143847705#...

Public Witness Team planning retreat

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

We will gather for our mostly-annual Public Witness Team planning retreat Saturday, March 9, with fellowship beginning at 8:30 A.M., worship at 9:00, and continuing to 4:00 P.M., at Shepherd...

Better Conversations workshop

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

Join the Public Witness Team for a Better Conversations workshop (formerly called Bridging the Divide) on Saturday, June 29. We live in a polarized society in which neither “side” listens to the other. Families are being split apart, friendships are fractured, and even our church family finds it difficult to bridge the divide. This workshop...

Better Conversations

St. Matthew's - Fort Worth 5709 Wedgewood Dr, Fort Worth, TX, United States

Loving your neighbor, even when you disagree about politics. We live in a polarized society in which neither “side” listens to the other. Families are being split apart, friendships are fractured, and even our church family finds it difficult to bridge the divide. This workshop faces controversial topics head-on by teaching the skills we all...


Public Witness Team meeting

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

Welcome! We are the Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana (NT-NL) Synod of the ELCA. We meet on the second Saturday of most months. Our mission is to give public witness to issues of justice and peace in the synod and in the community, and this includes both education...

Anti-Racism Allies: Spreading Compassion and Creating Equity

Calvary Lutheran Church - Richland Hills 7620 Baker Blvd, Richland Hills, TX, United States

This three-session event is part of “Weaving Community: a series of keynotes, workshops, and experiences to connect us.” Selection of which session(s) you'd like to attend is available through the ticketing link. Thursday, 1/30 7-9 pm Session 1 – Interactive Keynote: How white Allies Can Tap Their Special Superpower in the Anti-racism Movement. Suggested admission...

Engaging the Border: Theology and Practice

Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church 715 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX, United States

Engaging the Border: Theology and Practice A Morning of Education and Theological Reflection with Dr. Javier Alanis on the Situation at Our Southern Border and How We Can Make A Difference Sponsored by the NTNL Public Witness Team Lunch provided! Dr. Alanis is the Director of the Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest (LSPS) in...