Spanish Language and Hispanic Ministry Intensive I

Seminary of the Southwest 501 E. 32nd St., Austin, TX, United States

The Summer Language and Hispanic Ministry Intensive is a resource for Lutherans and those of other denominations who recognize the growing need for competency in the Spanish language and an...

Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders

Here to Serve: Being Church in the Time of COVID-19 Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Central You are invited to join this weekly meeting designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders in all realms. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in...

For the Healing of the Nations – Invitation to a Global Companion Prayer Service

ELCA Global Mission invites you to join a contemplative prayer service: For the Healing of the Nations Invitation to a Global Companion Prayer Service Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 1pm Central For the Healing of the Nations will speak specifically to this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, our anxieties and stress, and calling for God’s hope, comfort,...

Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders

Being Church in Times of Crisis Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Central You are invited to join this weekly gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as...

Vital Congregations – Vital Communities: Building Leadership Capacity for Latinx Ministries

Seminary of the Southwest 501 E. 32nd St., Austin, TX, United States

This Level II Intensive course is designed to enhance leadership competence in the development and support of Latinx ministries in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and among ecumenical partners. Those encouraged to attend are current practitioners, judicatory leaders, seminarians, church leaders planning to start new Latinx ministries, and those with coaching and/or supervisory roles...

Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders

Being Church in Times of Crisis Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Central You are invited to join this weekly gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as...

Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine

As part of the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, voting members adopted a resolution designating June 17 as a commemoration of the martyrdom of the Emanuel 9—the nine people shot and killed on June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. The resources referenced below are provided to help congregations...

Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders

Being Church in Times of Crisis Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Central You are invited to join this weekly gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as...

Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders

Being Church in Times of Crisis Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Central You are invited to join this weekly gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as...

Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders

Being Church in Times of Crisis Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Central You are invited to join this weekly gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as...