Interim Pastors monthly meeting

NT-NL Synod ELCA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Interim Pastors Meeting Time: 10:45 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Every month on the First Thursday (exception for August 2020) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 284 011 899 One tap mobile +12532158782,,284011899# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,284011899# US (Houston) Dial by your location...

Conversations at Briarwood

Briarwood Leadership Center is hosting a series of interactive online conversations to equip the church in this complicated time. Intended for NT-NL leaders, both rostered and lay, these conversations will cover a variety of topics. Thursday evenings @ 7pm Central via Zoom Hosted by Pr. Robert O. Smith, Director, Briarwood Leadership Center Rubén Rosario Rodríguez,...

Conversations at Briarwood

Briarwood Leadership Center is hosting a series of interactive online conversations to equip the church in this complicated time. Intended for NT-NL leaders, both rostered and lay, these conversations will cover a variety of topics. Thursday evenings @ 7pm Central via Zoom Hosted by Pr. Robert O. Smith, Director, Briarwood Leadership Center Cláudio Carvalhaes, PhD,...

Living Connected: The Spiritual Discipline of Creation Care (Water)

The Gift of Water In August 2020, the NT-NL Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice is sponsoring a Living Connected workshop on creation’s gift of water. The Living Connected project helps people reflect on the gifts of creation and equips them to make choices that bring healing and wholeness to creation. In the Living...

Living Connected: The Spiritual Discipline of Creation Care (Water)

The Gift of Water In August 2020, the NT-NL Public Witness Team for Peace and Justice is sponsoring a Living Connected workshop on creation’s gift of water. The Living Connected project helps people reflect on the gifts of creation and equips them to make choices that bring healing and wholeness to creation. In the Living...

Conversations at Briarwood

Briarwood Leadership Center is hosting a series of interactive online conversations to equip the church in this complicated time. Intended for NT-NL leaders, both rostered and lay, these conversations will cover a variety of topics. Thursday evenings @ 7pm Central via Zoom Hosted by Pr. Robert O. Smith, Director, Briarwood Leadership Center Jacqueline Hidalgo, PhD...