Synod Council and Deans Meeting

This meeting will be held online. Sketch and Outline of Presentation to  NTNL Synod Council and Deans  Leading into God’s Future Together  February 5, 2021, 1-4pm Objective and Purpose Provide tools and resources to help pastoral and synodical leaders initiate conversations in congregations regarding their futures in light of the changing realities that have been...

Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation

Virtual Keynote with Dr. Linda. A. Hill Click here to join the webinar! Password: ELCA To join via phone, call: (312) 626-6799  |  Webinar ID: 879 3348 5378  |  Passcode: 788569 What does it take to build organizations that can innovate again and again? The short answer: the right leadership. Utilizing findings outlined in her...

Re-imagining Using Church Spaces

Join the NT-NL Synod, Briarwood Leadership Center, and Foundry Commercial for a FREE webinar for congregational leaders to learn best practices around utilizing church space to create opportunity for ministry. Open to all. Registration required: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This webinar will not be...


Synod Devotions for Lent

Tuesdays in Lent 2021 Synod Online Devotions, 11-11:20am (Central) via Zoom broadcast to Facebook A time for leaders to take a moment to center ourselves in this Holy Season. We will begin with a litany, special music, then read the gospel for the coming Sunday and have a short reflection. We will close with prayer...


Lenten Journey: Landscapes of Our Soul

Wednesdays in Lent, 7pm Central February 24 - March 24 With Biblical and landscape artist Sara Novenson, and spiritual director and pastor, the Rev. Linda Anderson-Little, we will use Sara’s nature paintings as a visual tool for prayer (visio divina) and the Psalms for reflection and renewal. Art helps open up the creative side of...

Discovering Hope Conference: Building Vitality in Your Congregation

A conference to explore the best practices for Vital Ministry This conference will be held online and is designed to build vitality in congregations with fewer than 50 people in worship. However, congregations with greater than 50 will also find it helpful. The focus is on spirituality, leadership, and community connections. Topics covered include: Stories...

National Lutheran Choir 2021 Winter Online Program

Hope Lives Sunday, March 14, 4pm Central Join singers of the National Lutheran Choir and guest artists, the Keith Hampton Singers & Friends, for a FREE online hymn festival. We will sing well-known hymns that highlight the joy of an ever-growing hope, and new hymns that speak to our time, inviting all people to sing...


Living Connected Workshop on Creation’s Gift of Land

Land is a constant under our feet, and yet, except for those who make their living from the land, we may seldom think of it. We receive all our food and material goods from land. In its broadest sense, land is the place where we live, and it connects us to all life that shares...